For Therapy
For Arizona or California clients wishing to schedule a therapy appointment, please email or call 626-437-3866. Arizona therapy clients may be seen by telehealth, and California clients may schedule either telehealth or in-person appts. at the Pasadena office:
16. S. Oakland Ave., Ste. 216,
Pasadena, CA 91101
For Clergy Assessment
Denominations and ministry credentialing bodies wishing to discuss clergy assessments may schedule an initial phone consultation:
Please contact me via email or call 626-437-3866. I will do my best to connect with you by the next business day. When you call, please leave me a voice message with a phone number where I may return your call. Please note that email is for scheduling purposes only. Do not email sensitive information when requesting an appointment.
Mailing address:
80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. #171,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024